
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Working mum and 3 kids

Just today, I was at Guardian Pharmacy buying Vitamin C for my 2 boys. A lady at the Q asked me what brand I was buying and if it has Lysine. I got the Appleton ones. And NO Lysine, thank you very much – I don’t want to make their appetite any better than it already is. They just can’t stop eating. Why, just yesterday, we participated in Fernleaf Milk Powder assessment of my 2 boys’ weight and height (part of their sales drive) and guess what – no surprise here … They are in obesity state. Buttt then again, what is ‘obesity’ … that is up for debate. But take it from me, my 2 boys do not look like the real real obese-obese type, you know. Just normal super active kids with firm baby fats and bigger tummies only – and still have to go on diet and exercise. Here’s a pix of them.

Anyway, anyway, back to this hot looking mom with a son at Guardian Pharmacy was telling me about the Vit C and then asking me the age of my kids. I said ‘5 2 and 4mths’. ‘Huh? What do you mean by 5 2 and 4mths?’ she said. Must be thinking of a new measurement J. I have 3 kids, I said – one 5yrs, one 2 years and youngest only 4+ months. She was kind of surprised and asked me how I manage them, working and all. Actually being a bit of a vain pot, I was hoping that she would tell me that I don’t look like a mom with 3 kids – Dream! No such luck! L I told her that I have 2 maids, running high on costs now but hopefully when my 2yr old son goes to school, l may not need 2 maids blah blah gossip...

Well! After this episode and lots more before, I got to thinking that perhaps I should lay down some plans and decide whether (or rather ‘when’) I should quit my day job and concentrate on my kids. Perhaps a little business that gives me time flexibility and $$$ of course!

Yoo hoo, out there! Anyone has any idea for me? Love to hear your views.

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