
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Teaching Ryan Number Sequence

His E.nopi classes helped him a lot. His Maths is quite steady and fast. It really pays to spend a bit more for enrichment classes. As such, when I coach him, I went a bit more advance. I taught him number sequence up to 5 digits. Sounds big but the E.nopi training on recognizing patterns help a lot. For instance:

1100 1200 ....

All he has to do is to see which pattern is changing - ie last 2 digit constant. 1st 2 digit is increasing by 1.

100 110 120 130 ...
68 69 70 71 ...

2 4 6 .... even numbers
1 3 5 .... odd numbers

Easy for him as he recognizes it as +2. Just the sequence 1st.
Not yet the part on understanding odd and even numbers. He is after all only 5 years old :)

So on...

Here is an example of the E.nopi training on concepts for pattern recognition. I just use this concept to teach this sequencing. It just took him a few minutes to understand.

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