
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Favoring sons

What happens when you notice that some people (I'm not gonna mention who and no, it's not my mom) favors your boys more than your girl? Call me sensitive but I do notice...not once. Perhaps you can say, that it is easier to play with my boys but I notice the contact to my girl is less. How would a 2-year old little girl understands. That is why she is closer to some and not the rest. She knows it too.

I love ALL my kids. Of course, I particularly manja my youngest and my only girl. That does not mean I love my 2 sons any less. I get upset when I see 1 disadvantaged. Of course, you can say that it will be enough for her that her parents love her. But is it really? When she sees it for herself the subtle different treatment? And when she grows up and understands more? Gosh, I really don't like it.

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