
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Prewriting Skills for Little Raymund

Every time I coach Ryan, little Raymund wants to join in. I thought that it is a good time as any to start on him too. I have just introduced little Raymund to some easy prewriting exercises. At this stage, I'm trying to get him to draw vertical circles, horizontal lines and circles. Not exactly perfect but a good start. I used a lined exercise book and got him to draw lines between the printed lines. For vertical lines, I would just turn the book 90 degrees. When he managed to draw lines without touching the printed lines, I would praise him, gave him a tick and a star. He has seen how his 'kor kor' Ryan gotten stars for good work and he was happy that he has stars too.

There was once I got him to draw lines... After a while, he closed his book, looked at me, gave a dramatical sigh .. then announced 'Finish already' and walked off. Yes, my little boy tends to be quite dramatic :) and its quite amusing to watch him ... if he doesn't get me mad! At 3 years old, I do not want to sit him for too long. Just to give him a feel about doing 'homework' and studying (he has not started kindergarten yet). And he is too active to sit still.

Raymund can doodle with both left and right hands. I'm not forcing him to use his right hand like some people esp old folks do (some pantang about it, I think). I leave it to what comes natural to him. Personally, I believe left handers are smarter and more creative - or at least my left handed friends are.

I'm about to start him on simple numbers and ABC recognition. Raymund has a good memory. He can recite 1 to 20 and A-Z but yet to recognize the numbers and alphabets. Using the same method with Ryan, I intend to use those 5 inch by 3 inch index cards (see post on 'My Homemade Fashcards' at as flashcards to help him. It is gonna be a challenge with my hyperactive Raymund.


Rene Lee said...

Aiyo..this boy is the absolute charmer lah. Talking about dramatic, I still recall the time when he saw his cousin Enson manja with Derek. Though someone else was carrying Raymund, he conveniently just leaned over on Derek's other shoulder to not miss out on the "manja" session.

Think that was also the occassion when Aunty Millie fed him with Shandy heheh.

Joanne said...

haha! You remember! He's still very much a drama king and not losing out either. Just that now he gives way to little Rachel.. you shld see how he 'takes care' of his sister -- haha!

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