
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Scholastic Books for Early Readers and Young Children

I just got some really good books for my boys. Ryan's kindergarten would occasionally send out a booklist for discounted Scholastic books for early readers and young children. The books are really affordable and good. This round, I purchased a few more which I think can help both Ryan and Raymund with early reading. I would also like to cultivate a good reading habit amongst my children. Even little Rachel, at 10 months, is particularly interested in books. When she spotted a book, she'd try to reach for it. Probably the colours :)

I particularly like the Clifford series on Phonics Fun. It comes in a pack of 12 books with short interesting stories and colourful pictures. Here are some pictures about it. I have started the reading with Ryan and he seems to enjoy it. I plan to treasure this collection for Raymund and Rachel later.

Ryan loves to draw. Of late, he has been taking books esp about the ocean and try to copy the pictures and create his own masterpiece about the ocean. I found this book about Dinosaurs which teaches children how to draw the different dinosaur species. Dinosaurs are another of Ryan's favourite. Here are some photos about the book too. Not bad :)

Little Raymund loves Barney. He is also fascinated with policemen and police car. So, the booklist offered this Barney book - 'Let's Go Visit the Police Station'. Here it is. Very colourful and suitable for toddlers.

And all these Scholastic books ...

... for a little more than RM100 !! I think it is a pretty good deal.

1 comment:

Peekabook said...

Hi! Is this the Clifford phonics set you bought? How old were your children when they started reading it?

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