
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ryan's Birthday

June 15. Ryan just turned 6. My kids are growing fast. I really miss the baby days. Even my girl is growing up fast. I miss having a baby around BUT... I'm just not going to have another baby just because I want to play with one. I CAN'T take another 9 months of morning sickness +++. I'm happy with my THREE precious and that's more than enough :)

As I said, it was Ryan's birthday. I was not planning for a birthday party for him. But something my mum said got me thinking into doing something different this time for him. About doing a good deed in his name on his birthday so that he will be blessed in life. Of course, I want that for my kids. I was also thinking that my kids... my very pampered kids... need to learn to care for others and learn the meaning of compassion as well. I don't expect them to fully comprehend what is compassion but knowing that there are some people out there who are more needy. I decided to bring them to visit an orphanage. At first, I simply don't know where to go. I googled quite a bit and found a list of orphanages from amongst others. I decided for a smaller orphanage so that my kids can interact with them. We chose to go to an orphanage in USJ called Compassion House aka Rumah KIDS. Managed by Christians, the kids are of Chinese and Indian races, not necessarily of the same religion. The caretaker, Theresa said that it is for the kids to decide their faith later. How nice.

We brought some food and small presents for the kids. There were about 17 kids in all, ranging for 6 to college kids. They are kids with single parent, underprivileged or even abused their own parent!!! How could parents do that!!! They are very good and well behaved kids. They helped out. Well mannered but shy. Totally in contrast with my 'wild' ones! The older kids take care of the younger ones. When it was time for food, the older kids just waited until the younger ones have their share. I got Ryan to give out the little presents. I bought pen cases and stationeries for them. I prefer things related to studies and that can be personal for them. A bit on the fancy side but I know kids love them. When it was time to go, each one of them came and said thanks and goodbye. I have intention of going and visit them again. First, I'll gather some clothes supply, amongst others. I noticed that some kids are wearing clothes that are a bit too small for them. Here are some pictures of our visit.

The rest of the afternoon was spent rather quietly. Ryan was contented playing with his birthday present. Towards the evening, we called our neighbours' kids to come over to have some cake and song with Ryan before they go to the playground. It was quiet but good. So many contacts with children today. I felt good.

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Love Daddy, Mummy, Raymund and Rachel :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I started googling on how to manage indonesian maids.. having one of those days you know and landed on your site. I am keen for your note on that. And also thought it was a spendid idea the way you spent Ryan's Bday. I used to donate money on my kids bday to charitable organisations but this is even better idea- thanks:-)

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