
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Encouraging My Son to Study

I've been trying to teach my son every evening during the week days - actually trying very hard coz it is really tiring after work. It's just that sometimes, I so want to have a quiet evening after a day's work. Sigh! Can't say I am very consistent about giving my son lessons but I'm renewing my effort again (fingers crossed). So every evening, after dinner, I'd rush my maid to clear up so that she can take care of my 2 younger ones while I concentrate on Ryan. Ryan would negotiate with me as to how many 'homework' he has to do. I'd say 5 and he'd say 1... I'd say 'No and lets do 3 .. OK! :) Of course, I don't always follow - haha! All for the fun of negotiating :)

At times, he is up to tricks. "Mommy, I'm very tired. I cannot open my eyes already. I do homework tomorrow ok?" Sometimes I just let it go :)

As parents, it is difficult to control our patience and 'temper' when our kids can't follow. Mainly because we are frustrated - 'It's so simple. How come you don't understand?' I have lost my temper many times when he was slower to catch up. He got real upset when I scolded him and said that he is not good - heart sick to watch his reaction :(

I began to realise that he learns faster and better with praises and encouragement once he has done something right. He is especially encouraged when he knows the work and done a good job with it. Kids this young love praises - 'clever', 'good boy', 'so fast!', 'better already' and so on. It really motivates him to do more. So, moms out there! Control your temper when you teach your kids ya! Never ever say 'You are stupid' to your child.

When the load gets heavy or when I hit a new area which needs more effort from him... I will dangle a carrot. There is a reward waiting for him at the end of the lesson. Stickers! And kids at this age just so love stickers. Only RM1 a piece. And in his favourite characters too - Ben10, Power Ranger, Spiderman, Cars, etc etc. Of course, Raymund gets one too. And sometimes, the reward is a surprise. Works most of the time :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Joanne,

Good morning !

Good job ! i myself still trying to be a better mother. Always guilty of screaming/scolding & use a lot of these words.." stupid" "useless" yo yo...must control my temper more...patient..patient..

Just want to check with step have u taken to assess Ryan ? i also have a son (3+) is speech delay. Single work ok. Sometimes talk in short sentence (for regular use/request) & like parroting. Should i get him to assess ? Any recommendation/ advice. Would like to hear your view. Thanks.

Take care.


Joanne said...

I didn't get thru with the speech therapist last time coz they were full. But overtime, I started talking more to Ryan and encouraging him to talk, tell stories and express himself. That helped alot. Also I let him play with the neighbours and kids at Enopi.

In your case, if you suspect a medical issue - like hearing deficiency etc, its always good to check it up. Else you can still go for the speech therapist assessment which they will check both hearing and speech for you. For your peace of mind. After that, then you will only consider whether or not to take up the therapy. The therapist will of course sell you the packages but only decide if it is really necessary. Its quite expensive.

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