
Thursday, October 22, 2009


Anyone has any advice for me regarding COSMOTOTS iqd? I'm thinking of sending my son (aged 5+)

Last week, I checked out COSMOTOTS iqd for my son Ryan. I'm looking for a place to help him with his English esp reading and Phonics. His phonics sound blending has improved somewhat but I have this nagging feeling that I may not be using the right method. Anyway, COSMOTOTS is one place that I think, and hope, can help Ryan. Much earlier, I have even checked out Vital Years and called up Cambridge but COSMOTOTS seem to be more appealing to me. It could probably be because of their sales pitch which they claim that they place importance on the intellectual development, IQ. English literary works are just a means to an end. Hmm.

I met the Chapter Director of the Bukit Jalil branch. He stressed that the importance of reading habit. And rather than just teaching children how to read, they have to analyse the story, or rather literature - guess what, their 1st story is Don Quixote!! - and speak out in class to discuss it. Student are encouraged to talk and speak up, he told me. At my son's level though, he has to start with the foundation, ie phonics first. Word recognition is not part of the program. Well, I'm quite confused about which is a better methods, Sigh!

3 times a week and each lesson is 2 hours. I'm kinda worried about stressing my son what with kindy and Enopi Math. But I think I'll try him out. After all, it's a fun class with games, audio stories and such .. and no homework... AND I like the idea that it is not strictly English but more on the part that they equip him with the ability to have thoughts and views about anything and everything. After next year, he will be in Standard One. I'm worried. I don't want him to feel stressed and left behind then. I have seen what this does to his self confidence.

Well COSMOTOTS is not exactly cheap. Hope we'll get fast and good results... most importantly also, that my son enjoys it :)


ann said...

i have hear from my KL fren, they said Cosmotots is very good for child learning the english center.But JB dun have Cosmotots,just only Vital Year.if got i also wan to send my son, cos i hope my son can speak english(we use mandrin at home).

Joanne said...

Thanks. I'm thinking of starting when my boy start school holidays. Is there any Cambridge in JB? I heard that it is a good class for English too.

Wai Chuen said...

Hi, I'm a Cosmotots graduate from the original Damansara Uptown branch! I'm a magazine journalist working for a publishing firm in Sydney. I have to say that without Mr. Yoong's education programme, guidance and farsighted views on developing thinking skills, I would have certainly struggled throughout my overseas university years and current career, where lateral thinking and creativity is required.
It is my opinion that this sort of training is sadly lacking in Malaysia's education curriculum, and this is where Mr. Yoong's Cosmotots IQD steps in. Speaking, reading, and writing fluent English is just a very good secondary skill; the ability to think is the true training! If you do have any further questions, you can shoot me an email to!

Regards, Jerry Yam Wai Chuen

Joanne said...

I have no doubt that the system is in fact v good. That's why I pursue for it initially. You'd probably have seen my later post about the same. I was in fact in their centre, ready to pay and getting my son to join that day's class. But I was really turned off by their service, attitude and methods.. and I don't mean education methods. I'm one person who values service and if not given appropriately, I seek alternative. It's very sad! But really thanks for your help. Under normal circumstances, I'd taken it up immediately.

ladygogo said...

I did a bit of survey with Cosmotots branches at Sri Hartamas and Ulu Klang a few years ago. I have decided on the Ulu Klang side because of their friendly service. The programme is very good. My child is also very happy there and still improving despite it is no longer a Cosmotots branch.

Karen Gan said...

Try tadika Sri Camar, Permas Jaya, they hav Cambridge English ...

Anonymous said...

No doubt the programme is very good for kids. But the owner's attitude is atrocious. Hurled insults after insults at people. All he does is brag about his own son who studied in Cambridge. Wouldn't send any of my kids to this centre.

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