
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Which Part of a Baby Do You Like Best

Hmmm.. couldn't get the right sounding title for this posting. Hope this is ok. What I'd like to discuss is actually which part of the anatomy or behavior or whatever it is that you like best of your baby or anyone's for that matter :) Can't very well put this as my title :(

I have so many comments when my friends and relative were in company of babies.
I have heard:
"I love the cute little toes - size of red beans"
"I love babies smell - so nice"
"I love a baby's backside - smoother than my face!"
..the list goes on..

In order of my favourites...

When Ryan, my eldest, was born, I was so fascinated with his little tiny chubby hands. So small with tiny little fingers. All stretched out or gripping. This ain't a one time thing - the same with Raymund's and Rachel's. Even now, their little hands fascinate me. So soft and small - unlike ours. Don't know but I find them really cute and adorable. And when they reach for me, I just can't resist them.

Then there is this thing about a baby's smell. Really money can't buy! My husband would always pick up my babies' used clothes or face towels (of course clean ones la) and just smell and smell and smell. Their natural mixed with baby powder, milk and baby lotion --- oooh sooo nice!

Baby's head and hair. Silky soft. Silky smooth. Adorable expressions. Nice smell too.

Baby's bum. Who can resist it! Chubby and nicely rounded. So smooth and soft.

And just about anything to do with a baby :P :)

Then asking myself. With all these talks about babies and oogling other people's babies (esp in pediatrician's clinic), am I considering a 4th child?? A new baby to go goo goo gaa gaa with? My husband and I actually talked about it ... but ...Nah! Thinking about the 1st 5+++ months of terrible morning sickness .. the constant worry throughout the pregnancy in case something bad happens .. and most importantly, providing good education and comfortable support for 4 children .. it just stop me right there. And then there is this thing about having children after xx age :) ... better not. I can always admire other people's babies. My cousin and sis in law are expecting their babies by next CNY. Can't wait. If you are reading this, enjoy your pregnancy and let me know when the little one arrives :) Oh yea ... later, I'll probably blog something about preparing the arrival of babies. Hope it'll help you :)

Lastly, I found this little picture with some meaningful words by a designer who is probably a mum - sharing with you :)

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