
Friday, April 3, 2009

My kids having COUGH and COLD again!

The weather is freaky! Burning hot in the morning and afternoon, it pours and pours. All my 3 children are having bad cough, clogging phlegm and flu …AGAIN! Are there herbs and supplement to raise immunity in children? I’m still hunting for it! My eldest school going son is usually the one who gets it first. Sometimes it would get so bad that it would lead to high fever that goes beyond 40 deg, chills and shakes, and even ear infection. And then domino effect! My younger son would then catch on and just cough and cough and cough. His lungs are more sensitive because when he was just 1 month old, he was hospitalized for a week for bronchopneumonia. He was on oxygen support, physiotherapy, suction (a small long tube is used to insert into the tiny nose and month to take out the mucus/phlegm) and on drips (a big needle going into his very tiny hand – it sooo painful to watch!). That was one experience I care NOT to repeat! Quite traumatizing really especially when you are talking about your new born baby! So for all mummies out there, please isolate your babies if anyone around them has cough and cold! I do that for my baby daughter!

Visit to the pediatrician is a monthly affair – and they don’t come cheap!! More often than not, my children have to take LOADS of medicine such as nebulizer (to dilute the phlegm and my younger son just hates it!!), cough/flu syrup, antibiotic and even inhalers like Combivent and Steretide. If the cough gets worse, they are given Singulair to take for 1-2 months - costs a bomb I must say (1 months supply is ~RM200!!)! On this note - I was google-ing yesterday and found that there could be side effects on Singulair. I will check with my pediatrician and tell you more later.

So what can we do?

  1. Once your child catches the bug, DON’T WAIT! See the doctor! If you wait, it gets worse and the medicine gets stronger , your child suffers.. and it costs more!!! My Doc actually scolded me for waiting!
  2. Vicks – some said that this works - rub Vicks on the sole of the feet and then cover it up with socks before they sleep.
  3. I rub Vicks on my children’s chest – seems to work too
    Hand washing – after school, after food, after sneezing/coughing, after play, after outing… just keep clean!!
  4. If your child is sick, try to keep them at home and not to send them to day care or school. This is so that the germs don’t spread and you can observe your child for medical attention.
  5. Try to avoid people who have caught the bug – I know it’s easier said than done but at least we tried, right!
  6. Household disinfectant – I use Dettol to wipe my furniture and floor.
  7. Also I’m almost fanatic about bathing (if can) my children (and myself) after a visit to the doctor or hospital. Those are the places which are ‘full’ of germs.
  8. Lots of vitamin C. It’s ok. The excess will come out in the urine.
  9. Scott’s Emulsion – the orange flavor tastes better. People said that it helps increase immunity. I give it to my children anyway.
  10. Air their bedrooms and clean daily
  11. Drink plenty of water – especially when your child is sick
  12. My pediatrician advised me to give my children flu shots. I haven’t yet. So can’t tell you much there.

While I do most of that, the bug just keeps coming back. And, I don’t like to administer too much antibiotics on my children. So now, I’m hunting for supplements that can help to boost my children’s immunity system. Some suggested the following - I’m still thinking and thinking about whether to try it on my children.

  1. Cordyceps (it costs a bomb!)
  2. Cactus juice from E.Excel (??not sure)
  3. The Chinese says Bird nests – but my doctor is worried about infection… hmmm
  4. … still hunting…..any advice for me please??


Unknown said...

You should try ZarBee's Children's Cough Syrup. It's been proven to suppress coughs and soothe throats on all ages, except for children under 12 months. So you might not be able to give it to your youngest yet. It's all natural and effective. If you's like, we'd love to send you a free sample. Just email me at

Danny Villarreal
VP Marketing

Unknown said...

I used to take combivent for my asthma because it has two functions- to open the bronchioles to ease tightness, and to help with phlegm...sounds a bit serious for just a cough and cold...

Joanne said...

Danny - I would love to try out. Will email you shortly. Thanks :)

Melanie - yep my children are ALSO on Combivent and Seretide too. It helps to relieve. It's just that they take so many types of med and so often. IT get worrying.

Mayne said...

You can go for products in E-excel. Products are formulated based on Nutriional Immunology to strenghten immune system

Joanne said...

ya i know. I just joined the distributorship for E Excel. I'm still trying to figure out which product can be given to young kids. My husband and I have been on NoCo and ACT- very good and we stayed immune for a long time.

Chalice Lindgren said...

I'll just add something about the supplements that can boost your child's immune system. Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also boost their immune system. The easiest way to provide your children with omega-3 is to serve fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel. You can cook this fish twice or even thrice a week. Basically, omega-3 boosts the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells which kills/eat bacteria, thus preventing it to grow and multiply.

MumofEC said...

Hi, may I know if anyone can help me purchase E Excel Noco?
Thank you.

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